Sunday Morning 10am
Our 10am Sunday service follows a liturgy based on traditional and modern practices. Our music varies from week to week, celebrating the diversity of our community. We make time to greet, pray, and every first Sunday we take communion at an open table (everyone is welcome). We love babies and wiggly children, and have couches in the back if thats more comfy for you!
Anthem Wednesday 6:00pm
This unique worship service at 6pm on Wednesday Evenings provides sacred space, room to dwell, and grace for all. It is a meditative and contemplative service that focuses heavily on music, scripture, and prayer. We celebrate Holy Communion every week. It’s intimate and cozy and we’d love for you to join us. Come as you are (we mean that)!
Both our Sunday Morning Worship and Wednesday evening Anthem service are taking place in-person each week.
Our services will remain available to view online as well.
We have a very active service team here at CPUMC. From making meals to beach clean ups, we are ministry in action! If you are interested in being a part of our service team or in joining a service project, please contact Barb Shortal.
We are planning a mission trip this summer to Ashville, NC in July.
We have a growing Children and Youth Ministry at our church. We have a nursery for kids 3 and under, Kids Connection for kids 4YO-3rd grade, an emerging Middle School group for 4th Grade through 8th grade, and a high school group that meets monthly. For more information, contact Janel:
Save the date for Vacation Bible School 2025!
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is from June 16 through June 20, 2025. 2025’s theme is True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World. At True North VBS, kids will will go on an unforgettable Alaskan adventure where the northern lights shine over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and sparkling glaciers. As they trek the tundra, they’ll discover how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Guiding them towards Jesus, True North VBS reveals that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North! VBS is open to children who will be entereing K through 5th grade in the fall. 9am to 12pm each day. Registration opens April 21st.
Many individuals and families may decide that it is best to continue to join us via online for the time being and that is okay. The most important thing to remain connected to the church and to each other. Services can be viewed online live or after on both YouTube or Facebook.
As we walk through this time of uncertainty and confusion, God continues to be a constant and prayer becomes even more important.
We are here for you and your family. We have a strong prayer chain and intercessory prayer groups that will lift up your prayer.
If you need to talk to someone or would like to submit a prayer request, you can reach our staff at any time via email
or by calling our office at 407-843-7197
Love Big
With the intention to show love and support our community, Love Big was born as a campaign and mission to fulfill our call as a local church to share the inclusive loving message of the Gospel.
This Pastor is a Human, Too
Pastor Merrill Frailey is fun, relatable and not afraid to show her human side. Having raised five children, this life coach turned pastor has seen it all. She loves Jesus, a good cup of coffee, and sharing in communion and fellowship with her community at College Park United.
The arts are alive and flourishing in College Park! Here at College Park United we are building a group of artists- musicians, actors, visual artists and more… »
Christian women gather together each Tuesday morning to discuss a different aspect of their faith and womanhood. These women’s groups address many different discussion topics generally led by a book series or guided Bible Study.
This group is an open and loving community of high-schoolers looking to grow together. This group meets on Sundays after service. »
“I AM” is a group of men who gather and share their experiences, feelings, wisdom, and life lessons while growing in their relationship with God. Together, these men are gaining the skills needed to be the best version of themselves for themselves, their families and their community. We welcome and invite men of all ages and backgrounds who are interested in showing up in this world as their authentic selves and ready for deeper connection. The group meets on Friday mornings at 7:30am in the Parlor.
The community garden is open for anyone to pick from. Just make sure you give back and pick a few weeds while you’re at it! »
We invite your kids and middle schoolers to join us during the 10am worship service on Sundays for their very own time of worship, Bible story, and small groups.